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Deformable image registration is a key task in medical image analysis. The Brain Tumor Sequence Registration challenge (BraTS-Reg) aims at establishing correspondences between pre-operative and follow-up scans of the same patient diagnosed with an adult brain diffuse high-grade glioma and intends to address the challenging task of registering longitudinal data with major tissue appearance changes. In this work, we proposed a two-stage cascaded network based on the Inception and TransMorph models. The dataset for each patient was comprised of a native pre-contrast (T1), a contrast-enhanced T1-weighted (T1-CE), a T2-weighted (T2), and a Fluid Attenuated Inversion Recovery (FLAIR). The Inception model was used to fuse the 4 image modalities together and extract the most relevant information. Then, a variant of the TransMorph architecture was adapted to generate the displacement fields. The Loss function was composed of a standard image similarity measure, a diffusion regularizer, and an edge-map similarity measure added to overcome intensity dependence and reinforce correct boundary deformation. We observed that the addition of the Inception module substantially increased the performance of the network. Additionally, performing an initial affine registration before training the model showed improved accuracy in the landmark error measurements between pre and post-operative MRIs. We observed that our best model composed of the Inception and TransMorph architectures while using an initially affine registered dataset had the best performance with a median absolute error of 2.91 (initial error = 7.8). We achieved 6th place at the time of model submission in the final testing phase of the BraTS-Reg challenge.
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Deep neural networks (DNNs) have rapidly become a \textit{de facto} choice for medical image understanding tasks. However, DNNs are notoriously fragile to the class imbalance in image classification. We further point out that such imbalance fragility can be amplified when it comes to more sophisticated tasks such as pathology localization, as imbalances in such problems can have highly complex and often implicit forms of presence. For example, different pathology can have different sizes or colors (w.r.t.the background), different underlying demographic distributions, and in general different difficulty levels to recognize, even in a meticulously curated balanced distribution of training data. In this paper, we propose to use pruning to automatically and adaptively identify \textit{hard-to-learn} (HTL) training samples, and improve pathology localization by attending them explicitly, during training in \textit{supervised, semi-supervised, and weakly-supervised} settings. Our main inspiration is drawn from the recent finding that deep classification models have difficult-to-memorize samples and those may be effectively exposed through network pruning \cite{hooker2019compressed} - and we extend such observation beyond classification for the first time. We also present an interesting demographic analysis which illustrates HTLs ability to capture complex demographic imbalances. Our extensive experiments on the Skin Lesion Localization task in multiple training settings by paying additional attention to HTLs show significant improvement of localization performance by $\sim$2-3\%.
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Multivariate Hawkes processes are temporal point processes extensively applied to model event data with dependence on past occurrences and interaction phenomena. In the generalised nonlinear model, positive and negative interactions between the components of the process are allowed, therefore accounting for so-called excitation and inhibition effects. In the nonparametric setting, learning the temporal dependence structure of Hawkes processes is often a computationally expensive task, all the more with Bayesian estimation methods. In general, the posterior distribution in the nonlinear Hawkes model is non-conjugate and doubly intractable. Moreover, existing Monte-Carlo Markov Chain methods are often slow and not scalable to high-dimensional processes in practice. Recently, efficient algorithms targeting a mean-field variational approximation of the posterior distribution have been proposed. In this work, we unify existing variational Bayes inference approaches under a general framework, that we theoretically analyse under easily verifiable conditions on the prior, the variational class, and the model. We notably apply our theory to a novel spike-and-slab variational class, that can induce sparsity through the connectivity graph parameter of the multivariate Hawkes model. Then, in the context of the popular sigmoid Hawkes model, we leverage existing data augmentation technique and design adaptive and sparsity-inducing mean-field variational methods. In particular, we propose a two-step algorithm based on a thresholding heuristic to select the graph parameter. Through an extensive set of numerical simulations, we demonstrate that our approach enjoys several benefits: it is computationally efficient, can reduce the dimensionality of the problem by selecting the graph parameter, and is able to adapt to the smoothness of the underlying parameter.
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AI-powered Medical Imaging has recently achieved enormous attention due to its ability to provide fast-paced healthcare diagnoses. However, it usually suffers from a lack of high-quality datasets due to high annotation cost, inter-observer variability, human annotator error, and errors in computer-generated labels. Deep learning models trained on noisy labelled datasets are sensitive to the noise type and lead to less generalization on the unseen samples. To address this challenge, we propose a Robust Stochastic Knowledge Distillation (RoS-KD) framework which mimics the notion of learning a topic from multiple sources to ensure deterrence in learning noisy information. More specifically, RoS-KD learns a smooth, well-informed, and robust student manifold by distilling knowledge from multiple teachers trained on overlapping subsets of training data. Our extensive experiments on popular medical imaging classification tasks (cardiopulmonary disease and lesion classification) using real-world datasets, show the performance benefit of RoS-KD, its ability to distill knowledge from many popular large networks (ResNet-50, DenseNet-121, MobileNet-V2) in a comparatively small network, and its robustness to adversarial attacks (PGD, FSGM). More specifically, RoS-KD achieves >2% and >4% improvement on F1-score for lesion classification and cardiopulmonary disease classification tasks, respectively, when the underlying student is ResNet-18 against recent competitive knowledge distillation baseline. Additionally, on cardiopulmonary disease classification task, RoS-KD outperforms most of the SOTA baselines by ~1% gain in AUC score.
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性能是软件最重要的素质之一。因此,已经提出了几种技术来改进它,例如程序转换,软件参数的优化或编译器标志。许多自动化的软件改进方法使用类似的搜索策略来探索可能改进的空间,但可用的工具一次只专注于一种方法。这使得比较和探索各种类型改进的相互作用是不切实际的。我们提出了Magpie,这是一个统一的软件改进框架。它提供了一个共同的基于编辑序列的表示,该表示将搜索过程与特定的改进技术隔离,从而实现了简化的协同工作流程。我们使用基本的本地搜索提供案例研究,以比较编译器优化,算法配置和遗传改善。我们选择运行时间作为我们的效率度量,并评估了我们在C,C ++和Java编写的四个现实世界软件上的方法。我们的结果表明,独立使用的所有技术都发现了重大的运行时间改进:编译器优化最高25%,算法配置为97%,使用遗传改进的源代码为61%。我们还表明,通过不同技术发现的变体的部分组合,可以获得多达10%的性能。此外,共同表示还可以同时探索所有技术,从而提供了分别使用每种技术的竞争替代方案。
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